Fertility Support

Are you trying to conceive and maintain a healthy pregnancy?

Our practitioners have an incredible array of training to help support you on this often-difficult fertility journey.  We can treat conditions that interfere with getting pregnant, and treatments can increase the chances of successful assisted-fertility treatments. 

How do we help clients become pregnant and maintain their pregnancies?

 Acupuncture helps to lower overall stress levels (paramount for fertility success) and balance hormones.  It helps to regulate blood flow and menstrual cycles, and over a 3 month period, has been shown to improve egg and sperm quality.

 Traditional Chinese herbs - customized to your constitution and lifestyle - can be integral in fertility support, and we are pleased to offer this as well.

 Manual Osteopathic treatments can help to remove scar tissue in the pelvis, and can realign your visceral organs and increase blood flood through the reproductive area.

 RTT Hypnosis helps you look at the limiting beliefs that may be stopping you from getting pregnant.

When it comes to natural or assisted (IVF, IUI, ICSI) fertility, we work with individuals and couples, and are happy to work as part of your fertility team.  We believe that optimizing ovulation and regulating menstruating is absolutely required.  We believe that exploring the concepts of Receiving, Abundance and Worth is integral, and we believe that HOPE is one of your strongest allies on your fertility journey.

Common fertility challenges that we treat include:

 IVF and IUI support

 PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis

 Egg quality

 Sperm quality

 High FSh, Low AMH, and diminished ovarian reserve

 Recurrent miscarriage

 Unexplained infertility (primary and secondary)

 Male factor infertility

We suggest starting with a 90-minute consultation and initial treatment with one of our Doctors of Acupuncture, for an in-depth look at everything from your menstrual cycle to sleep habits, to nutrition and lifestyle, your bloodwork, and more!  You may be surprised by how much we cover in our assessments and appointments!  From there, we create a treatment plan customized for you.

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