Manual Osteopathic Therapy

Manual Osteopathic Therapy (MOT) is a gentle, hands-on therapy whose goal is to bring the body’s structure and function back to a state of wellness.  Various methods of assessment are used to decipher patterns of dysfunction, and to uncover the root causes of pain and dis-ease.

A Manual Osteopathic Therapist will look at all parts of the body - bones, fascia, lymph flow, vascular flow, visceral organs, and nerves - and look for ways to balance the body and increase functional and structural health.

Manual Osteopathic Therapy is comprised of various techniques, all designed to treat the root cause of disharmony and dysfunction in the body.

The benefits of MOT include:

 Pain relief 

 Stress reduction (physical, emotional, mental)

 Increased range of motion and mobility

 Improved circulation throughout the body

 Improve the body’s ability to heal itself

The Treatment:

The client remains clothed often, although they may also be asked to prepare as if for a massage.  Initial assessments may involve measurements and movements that help the practitioner to determine where the patterns of imbalance are.  Various modalities will then be used throughout the treatment.  The client may be asked to participate in certain parts of the treatment (providing resistance against the practitioner’s hand, for example) and the practitioner will ensure the client’s relative comfort at all times.

What does Manual Osteopathic Therapy Treat?

MOT can treat acute and chronic conditions, in the treatment and rehabilitation (where possible) of many conditions including but not limited to:

 Headaches, migraines

 Muscle tension, spasms, stiffness

 Pain of all kinds, and anywhere in the body

 Inflammation and stuckness in the joints

 Carpal tunnel, sciatica, thoracic outlet syndrome

 Digestive issues

 Scar Tissue release;

 Adhesions through the abdominal organs, including uterus (helpful with all fertility and menstrual challenges)

 TMJ and facial pain

 Motor vehicle accidents, post-concussion syndrome


 Sports injuries

 Low immune system response

 Post-surgical rehabilitation

And so much more!

Visceral Manipulation

Visceral Manipulation is the mobilization and treatment of the organs, which helps to relieve restriction and adhesions in those areas.  The goal is to return to normal function and thereby remove compensatory symptoms, whatever their source, leading to improved health and optimal body functioning.

Muscle energy techniques

Used to lengthen and strengthen a muscle, and improve its range of motion.

Craniosacral Therapy

Cranio, as part of Osteopathy, provides gentle corrections in the alignment of the skull bones (and other structures too) to improve the flow of cerebrospinal fluid throughout the entire body.  Leads to pain and stress relief, and overall wellness.


Structure affects function.  If one's spine is not aligned properly the body will not function optimally.  Gentle manipulation is utilized to realign the pelvis and spine - from the tailbone to the neck. massage!

Manual Lymphatic drainage:

A technique where lymph circulation is increased, and whereby lymph can be reabsorbed by your lymph nodes.  Excellent for edema and swelling throughout the body, as well as for post-surgery and cancer treatment recovery.

Myofascial release

A technique where sustained pressure is applied to fascial restrictions, allowing for the release of tension and “stuckness.”  This may include trigger point therapy.  Often done without oil/lotion, to allow the practitioner to accurately feel the restriction and the release.

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